5 Ways To Keep Your Valued Items Safe
Issue: Apr 2021
When we think about the need to keep the things we value safe, we usually think of it in connection with overseas travel. However, it is also very important to keep them safe here at home. Even in very safe countries like Singapore, losses can still happen. However, there are many good ways to keep them safe, and we’ll share some of those ways here.
1. Safer in a safe
Keeping the things you value, especially expensive items, in a safe is one of the most traditional methods of home security. However, if you’re getting a safe, get one that can be fixed to the wall or the floor to ensure it cannot be physically removed.
2. Invest in a home alarm system
Although keeping your valuables in a safe is one of the most traditional methods, advancements in technology have also made other methods of effective home security possible. Today, it is more advisable to invest your money in a reliable and sturdy home alarm system instead, as a home alarm system both alerts the homeowner when there is a suspected break-in, and can protect both doors and windows alike.
Once you get a good home alarm system, your home will be a long way safer from theft!
3. Remove valuables from sight
Most flat owners leave their windows open throughout the day, but this can offer considerable temptation to thieves for valuable items. The most common items that are left on your dining table, coffee table or sofa happen to include valuable items such as tablets, laptops or other portable gadgets. These should be kept hidden from sight, in a room closet or better yet, inside a safe, when you are not at home.
4. Your neighbours can help too
As the Chinese idiom goes, a relative who is living far from you is much less help than a neighbour who stays next to you. In other words, get close and familiar with your neighbours, as they are the ones who you can potentially turn to for help when you are not home! If you are away for a period of time, asking your neighbours to help you collect newspapers or leaflets left at your door will give the impression that you are home, preventing potential trouble.
5. Keep it in self storage
There are bound to be items you prefer to keep within reach, but also some of which that you cherish but don’t have an immediate need for. What you can do instead is to move those items out of your home and store them in a secured self storage facility like StorHub.
All StorHub self storage facilities are equipped with 24-hour CCTV surveillance, offer 24/7 secure access to your belongings, a wide range of storage unit sizes and flexible storage terms. There are also a total of 13 self storage facilities at convenient locations islandwide for you to choose from! Contact us at +65 6337 2000 to discuss your storage requirements and get a quote today.